Available Art

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CLICK ON PHOTO TO SEE VIDEO OF THIS ART IN MOTION. Kinetic Public Art Installation, "Seasons Turn, Pause & Renew," by Rachael McCampbell © 2022, 7.5' x 8'h, computerized and motorized panels, 4 paintings total. Photo by John Schweikert Photography

Have a specific painting in mind?

Let's talk about commissioning a special painting for you or someone you love.

Painting isn't just what I do, it's who I am and how I connect with the natural world. Most of my paintings feature representational and abstracted landscapes. My style involves taking elements I observe in nature and breaking them down in to shapes and patterns, combining both representational and abstracted features to create dynamic and unexpected results. I also love to plein air paint which is more observational and reprentative of what I actually see. I enjoy teaching workshops and have taught in locations across the US and abroad.

Sept. 9-12, 2024: Cold Wax Medium Workshop, Abstracting the Landscape, Townsend Atelier, Chattanooga, TN

Oct. 18-20, 2024, Floral Workshop with guest artist YELENA LAMM, McCampbell Art Studio, LLC, Centerville, TN

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