Painting Goes To Arrowmont For Exhibit: May 10 – August 27, 2021
As part of Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts’ educational mission, they organize an exhibition each summer to showcase works from their instructors so that students in our classes, members of the community, and visitors to Arrowmont can see what their National Workshops are all about. I have included a painting I did in cold wax medium and oil on a cradled wood panel for this show. It’s called, “The Path Behind and Beyond,” Oil and Cold Wax Medium on Cradled Wood Panel, 30″ x 30″ x 1.5″ © 2021.
I painted using oil mixed with LOTS of Cold Wax Medium by Gamblin Oil Colors. I painted with a palette knife and squeegee and sometimes a small brush. When I teach Cold Wax Medium this fall at Arrowmont, I will show both realism and abstraction. It lends itself to both!
It’s such a fabulous experience to teach there at Arrowmont and I’m really looking forward to Oct. 17- 23, 2021!

“The Path Behind and Beyond” by Rachael McCampbell, Oil and Cold Wax Medium on Cradled Panel, 30″ x 30″ © 2021