Teaching a 4-Day Cold Wax Medium Workshop at Townsend Atelier in Chattanooga
I am so looking forward to my next Cold Wax Medium Workshop Sept. 9-12 (Monday through Thursday) when I will teach Cold Wax Medium at the famous Townsend Atelier in Chattanooga, TN.

Cold Wax Study by Rachael McCampbell

Cold Wax Class by Rachael McCampbell discussing techniques
In 4 days, I cover a great deal of ground. Cold Wax has so many different dimensions to it and can be worked in so many interesting ways that there’s a lot to get excited about! You can incorporate this practice into both realistic and abstracted paintings. It’s versetility is what is so special about it!
I love CWM because so many of the techniques are similar to printmaking techniques with both indirect and direct ways of making marks and shapes. Cold Wax also dries at different rates over 3 days giving my class the opportunity to work with it in many different ways, from scraping back and finding its lost history, using Citrasolv to dissolve layers of wax creating unexpected patterns, to veiling thin layers semi-hardened wax to build up soft, mysterious paintings, etc… the combinations are endless.
I hope you will join me for this fabulous week in the gorgeous and exciting Chattanooga! It’s $625 per person and you can register through Townsend Atlelier.

Beautiful work using Citrasolv with Cold Wax Medium.

Rachael McCampbell teaching Cold Wax Medium to The Vienna Arts Society in VA

Small Cold Wax Abstract painting by Rachael McCampbell, “Secrets Revealed, 12 x 12” oil on panel © 2019

Cold Wax painting by Rachael McCampbell