One, Wild Precious Life

“Self portrait” by Rachael McCampbell, © 2015
by Rachael McCampbell
January 1, 2015
“…Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild precious life?”
When I first read these words, from Mary Oliver’s poem The Summer Day, I almost fell off my chair. It was a jolt, the same sort of zap you feel when you are reminded that this ain’t no dress rehearsal. A dear friend of mine asked me, “Do you realize that we only have about 30 more summers left?” A chill passed through my bones. Yes, this is it. This is the one wild, precious life we were given—so what do we plan to do with it, or with what’s left of it?
Please understand. I am not talking about New Year’s resolutions. No. This is broader than that. For me, and for this blog’s purpose, my plan is to take a leap of faith and live the creative, juicy life I’ve always wanted to live, but were too afraid to attempt.
I am a fine art painter and live in Franklin, Tennessee. I have made art since I was a little girl and have been in the business of art, in one way or another, my whole life. It’s all I know, yet I will be the first to admit that I don’t know everything about it—actually I don’t know much at all. I don’t apologize for this either, because in my opinion, it is a smart thing to maintain the beginner’s mind in any profession. When we think we know it all, we get ourselves into trouble. A curious, childlike mind is what I aspire to keep.
So, as I recommit myself to live a more creative life this year, in every area, I would like to invite you to join me. On this blog, you will learn about many aspects of an artist’s life. I will share video clips and images of paintings and drawings in process along with journal entries, art happenings, personal insights and guest blogs too. In “Confessions of an Artist,” I will discuss the highs and lows of an artist’s life and hopefully, through this process, help us both tap into a richer more creative life for ourselves.
To begin with, here’s a self portrait I’m working on right now. When it’s resolved, I will repost the final version. This is about painting the underbelly, the shadow side of myself I don’t always show the world. Is there a side of yourself you’d like to expose, to be more honest or authentic? Maybe this is the year to do it. How will you accomplish that? Through writing, painting, photography, music or dance? Through conversations with others? How can you express more of your whole self? I’d like to hear your thoughts on this and on how you want to live out your one, wild precious life.
Happy New Year!
What a wonderful idea! Getting to follow a real artist as she navigates her complicated world, and at the same time thinking about how I also want to find my way in the world — this is a very exciting proposition! Thank you for this opportunity to explore together.
Rachael! This is sooo good. You can add amazing writer
to your portfolio, as well. I can’t wait for your next blog. Happy New Year, my friend.
Writing….and filming….in this, my soon to be, 71st ‘summer’. And to find the other side of my visual, complete self, I will be studying the art of painting with you. Excited, unbelievably. Rachael, this blog is a treasure. Thank you.
Writing and filming … my, soon to be, 71st ‘summer’.
And to complete the whole of my visual self, I will be
studying the art of painting with you. Excited? Unbelievably. Rachael, this blog is a treasure. Thank you.
Thank you, Anne! I appreciate your support and willingness to go on this ride with me!
Thank you, Miss Connie! Happy New Year to you too!
Good words, Rachael! Happy New Year and may we all use the coming quiet time to reflect on how to proceed.
Thank you to you, Catherine and to Connie, Anne and Karen. I appreciate your support as this I/we launch on this journey together. Here’s to an enriched 2015!
Happy New Year Rachael!
I’m excited about following your blog and hopefully gain some new insight on my own journey as a photographer!
xoxo Karen
Happy New Year Rachael
Wonderful idea and really caught my attention with the first words.
Your self image is amazing.
Count on me to be following your blog forever!
I am beginning this year by taking your art class. I wanted to do something different that I have not done before, so I am excited to participate. I may be the worst artist ever but I know I will learn much. I always remember my dad telling me that no matter how much of an authority you become on some issue, someone else will come along that can tell you something you never knew. Here’s to 2015 and the many new avenues we all chose to participate in and enjoy!
Such a beautiful, creative blog. I don’t have 30 summers left, but am definitely not complaining. I am totally aware of how very fortunate I am to have good genes.
My motto, DON’T POSTPONE JOY keeps me movin’!
I, too am a proffessional artist, and after a long hiatus, I have started to get back into the fun, freeing, agnonizing process of creation.
Rachael, your portrait is as lovely as you are. Thank you so much for initaitng your blog. I really look forward to your insights.
Rachael. I love your blog. For me, time seems to pass so much quicker than when we were young. Last week I had a conversation with an ATT employee about a problem I was having with my business phone. When we finished our conversation she thanked me for being a loyal customer for 34 years. It hit me like a brick wall, 34YEARS. I guess that in our day to day lives we don’t realize how fast we are going through our “One, wild , precious life”. We owe it to ourselves to make the most of such a special gift. My plan is to remain young at heart and to be open to all things new and different, cherish the people and pets in my life and to face each new day with the excitement and wonder of what it will bring. Love and hugs…..:)
Yes, we need quiet time to recharge. I sure do after the holidays. Thank you for signing up!
Karen, I love your photography and I cannot wait to see the direction you go this year with it!!!
Hey Trish! Thanks for your continual support. I’m so happy you are going to follow this. xoxox
Mary, I am a true believer that we are all artists. I know you are too. If you can make a mark on a surface, you are an artist…you have expressed something. We will uncover all of this in class and I look forward to watching you grow in that way. See you soon! xox
Thank you Janeth! I am so thrilled to hear you are making art again. You are so gifted and cannot wait to see your new work! Wow! You have made my week to hear this! I love your motto too….”DON’T POSTPONE JOY.” So true! Here’s to living out the rest of our days in the healthiest most creative ways we can muster. Yay!
I love your philosophy, Terry. I am trying to be more open to new and different things as well. It’s so easy to get caught up in staying “comfortable.” Then we find ourselves in a rut and wonder how we got there. Trying new things definitely can feel uncomfortable, but it’s so worth it at the end of the day. You seem to be so grateful for all the blessings around you…I am too. Several times a day I express thanks. We are blessed! xoxo
Beautiful thoughts & self portrait, Rache. I look forward to sharing your journey with you just like we have all our lives. Love you to pieces, my beautiful & talented little sister!
The question becomes how to make a once crazy life wild again. Hmmm
“To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it.” ~Kurt Vonnegut
Here I am with a badly broken, but healing, right wrist. On assessing how it happened so casually in the house, I’m confronted by the aging situation, that I have too much energy for this body of mine….I cannot move as fast, do as much, feel as much wild exuberance without some cautions! So your blog postings this year (never saw them before) are refreshing reminders about awareness in everyday life. When my arm heals, I’ll hope to replace some active energy with some quieter creative juice….don’t know what yet but interested to discover. Your blog postings are most stimulating! Besides, I love your art!
Thank you, Becky, for your comment. I pray that your wrist heals quickly and while it does, I hope too that your creative juices start simmering. I read a great deal about creativity when I was writing this, and a common thread I found throughout was that downtime is when our best ideas come to us. So perhaps this slower time of healing will serve you well in that way. I cannot wait to see what you chose to do! I appreciate your compliment too! :>)
i love your self portrait. showing a side of you that you see. i’m cautiously looking forward to our self portraits in class.
I thought your self portrait turned out great, Sharon!